Dear Parents, Students and Employees,
I like to learn and research words! Have you tried to discover new ideas by carefully studying a word or phrase? I suggest that you can learn vocabulary and phrases carefully in order to learn and remember concepts in depth.
When I study a word carefully, I first look up the definition of the word, and then use the word I'm studying to find insightful, widely cited sentences. I will also record my personal understanding, examples and definitions.
For example, I recently realized that the word “hope” can give people strength to deal with the future.
The definition of hope is “a desire of some good, accompanied with at least a slight expectation of obtaining it, or a belief that it is obtainable. Hope differs from wish and desire in this, that it implies some expectation of obtaining the good desired, or the possibility of possessing it. Hope, therefore always gives pleasure or joy, whereas wish and desire may produce or be accompanied with pain or anxiety.” (Noah Webster, 1828 Dictionary of the English Language)
From this definition, I learned that hope means waiting for something with confidence, and expecting it or achieving it. Hope means confident expectation.
Relating this to our students, the statement “I hope I can get an offer from _____ university” implies more confidence than the statement “I wish I could get an offer from ____ university.”
对于我们的同学们来说,比起“我愿我能获得 _____大学的录取通知书”这句话,“我希望我能获得 _____大学的录取通知书”这个陈述会显得更有信心。
Our hopes will increase as we strive to pursue our goals. For example, when we work hard in class and submit homework for evaluation, we can confidently “hope” for good results. Work is a good medicine to eliminate worries and doubts.
Hope is a useful concept in many aspects of life. When I reviewed many aphorisms about hope recently, the following sentence impressed me:
“Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today.” – Thich Nhat Hanh
—— 一行禅师
As the Principal of RDF School, I am full of hope and confidence in the future. I hope 2021 will bring more exciting learning and growing experiences.
I hope that the pandemic can be brought under control. I believe that vaccines and other prevention and control measures will protect many lives and return us to a greater sense of normality.
I hope that RDF is becoming better and better, and I believe that RDF is improving day by day. I hope and have confidence that students are constantly developing their knowledge about paradigms, skills, languages, sciences, and humanities each day.
I hope with full confidence that the students of RDF will graduate from school and be admitted to excellent universities around the world. The families of RDF will become better and better due to the wisdom, knowledge, and qualifications that students gain at RDFIS.
As we have observed in our past graduates and our current students of G12, it is amazing the good that can be accomplished when families and schools work together for a common goal.
I encourage you to have hope and confidence in a bright future. I invite you to do your best work at home and school to "grow" your hopes.
I also encourage everyone to study individual words and phrases carefully, including looking up definitions in excellent dictionaries, looking for noteworthy quotes from aphorisms, and writing down their own thoughts, experiences, and definitions. When you do this, your understanding will deepen and your memory will improve.
Important announcements include:
We are pleased to announce a 3 on 3 basketball tournament. Teams should register by Monday evening. The details of the tournament are viewable at this link:
Have a wonderful weekend, and please enjoy a few photos and a video that accompany this letter.
祝大家有一个美好的周末,我们一起欣赏本周一部 分精彩的照片和视频。
—Leland Anderson
Principal, RDF International School

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